My Dog Ate Weed

The dog ate your weed, whats going to happen to it?


  If a dog eats marijuana in its plant form in other words, buds, stems, leafs, it will be fine just like if you ate buds and leafs you wouldn’t get high because they contain mostly THCA  that has not been converted to THC, heating THCA converts it to THC this is why you smoke or vape it. Don’t let the dog smoke your weed and he will be fine.


The problem with dogs is when they eat edibles. Edibles have been decarboxylated and have lots of THC in them along with other potentially harmful ingredients, the worst is chocolate and raisins.  Edibles with no other harmful ingredients  will probably be OK , your dog will just get really, really stoned and not be happy.  Dogs don’t like being stoned they don’t think that it is fun.  


They often become ataxic, have a wobbly gait, and might seem light-sensitive, blinking and looking around a lot,If you move your hand toward their head, they back away excessively. Sometimes dogs dribble urine or vomit,  or, in severe cases, have seizures. Also, just like how pot affects different people differently, some pups will get drowsy while others become anxious and hyper-excitable.


But exactly how a dog will react to weed depends largely on how strong the stuff is. Generally, the higher the THC content, the more toxic it will be, . That means today’s medical-grade marijuana is a lot more hazardous than the ditch weed you may have smoked in the dorms. Pot oils and butters used for cooking and baking tend to be higher in THC.

Your best bet is to chat with a vet HERE, and they will give you advice on what to do and what not to do.

If you don’t have pet insurance you should check this out.

ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center fielded a whopping 765 percent more calls about dogs eating marijuana than it had the year prior.